Anno: 2020

Oggi, la maggior parte delle imprese sta attraversando un processo di digitalizzazione con la quarta rivoluzione industriale, denominata industria 4.0. Il focus della trasformazione digitale si trova principalmente sulla produzione, quindi i termini come “Factory of the Future” o “Smart Factory” sono usati in modo simile con questo concetto. Tuttavia, ci sono molte ragioni per […]
Tilog annuncia il lancio di un nuova tecnologia ideata e realizzata in collaborazione con il partner Alfacod, per la gestione degli archivi digitalizzati. In un solo passaggio il documento è rubricato, digitalizzato e fisicamente archiviato. Pronto per essere consultato online sul proprio gestionale o su una piattaforma Cloud dedicata. Le risorse dedicate all’attività vengono efficientate […]
One of the biggest frustrations instore shoppers face is not being able to find products they're looking for whether they are sold out, hard to find or simply not practical to keep in stock. While these missed opportunities may seem inconsequential, they are starting to add up in this competitive retail environment where every sale counts.There is hope. Many retailers are now taking steps to directly address the frustration of a wasted trip by combining the convenience of online shopping with the delight of the in-store experience.
The Journal notes that last year, As investors such as Black Rock look deeper into strategy and climate change issues (and call them out specifically in their shareholder engagement activities), they are increasingly becoming more active in their support for calls for increased transparency. Three proposals at Exxon and PPL “were the first to garner majority votes on resolutions for annual disclosure of the impact on business from global efforts to limit the average rise in temperatures.
Focus can provide logistics personnel to meet the needs of your company or project. We assist in the recruitment of permanent staff, or we can manage your logistics department for you, we can assist you from logistics managers to warehousemen.Ever had a last minute requirement for items to be in a country where you do not have a visa to enter? Let Focus help you.Our personnel are available 24-hours-a-day for these important deliveries.